Monday, June 9, 2008

Blogfolio Introduction

This blog will feature my thoughts and reflections, as well as links to my research and projects related to IT 648, Telecommunications in Education. This course is part of my doctoral minor (and part of the masters program) in Instructional Technology at The University of Southern Mississippi. I look forward to our discussions and welcome comments on any topics or projects found here.

Recently I have struggled with how best to present myself to potential employees as a potential faculty member that is dedicated to incorporating technology in my teaching. Having a (very) common name, I have not yet found a domain name for a website/online cv that conveys who I am as a professional. A Google search of "Lisa Richardson" comes up with over 330,000 hits - none of whom are yours truly. However, with the requirement of using this blog as a course portfolio, I have begun to reconsider this method as an alternative. A blogfolio is a great way to explain my teaching philosophy, as well as show how my future students can easily do the same.

My central belief in the delivery of effective distance learning is that the instructor and students must actively create a community that welcomes dialogue, contrasting ideas, and passionate argument while maintaining decorum and respect for all participants. Many people still believe that this is not possible in an online class. With all of the tools and technologies available to us - especially via open source - it most certainly is possible to emulate a face-to-face classroom both synchronously and asynchronously. Moreover, it can be done without creating barriers to students with differing learning styles or abilities.

I'll get down from my soapbox now, but you'll find these themes throughout my writings this summer. Welcome to my blogfolio! - LR

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Here's Lisa...


I'm Lisa Richardson, and I am a 32-year-old mother, graduate student, and graduate assistant. It was pretty scary leaving my full-time position in Washington, DC to attend a PhD program full-time in the deep South. I'm a native New Yorker, born and raised in The Bronx, NYC of Jamaican heritage. I'm studying Higher Education Administration at The University of Southern Mississippi, with a minor in Instructional Technology. I work in the Department of Educational Leadership and Research, and I will be seeking a tenure-track position in Higher Education Administration next year.

This summer is pretty hectic for me, as I am taking a 12-credit load on top of taking comprehensive exams at the end of this month and submitting the pre-proposal for my dissertation. I am interested in issues of access for students in postsecondary education, and implementing universal design to improve learning in distance education courses. At the end of the summer term, I'll have a break for a few weeks to see my son. Being away from him is the hardest part of being in Mississippi.

My technology background is pretty varied and mostly internet-related. My Dad bought a computer for my brother and I to work (and play!) on when I was still in elementary school. We used it right through high school for writing papers - it wasn't much more than a typewriter without ribbon to us then.

In college I discovered the internet, chatting in real-time for days on end using Internet Relay Chat. My very first day online, I sat in front of the terminal for 24 hours straight! I've been a member of a number of social networking communities since 1993. I have created and maintained several blogs over the years, although I have never been able to keep up with posting regularly. Hopefully that won't be a problem in this class! I look forward to talking with and learning from my colleagues in this course.