Saturday, July 12, 2008

Reflection: circaVie

The circaVie assignment was to create a photo timeline of an event or series of events in our lives. This was the most fun task of all, as I had the opportunity to relive my fabulous trip to St. Croix for my cousin's wedding. The island is beautiful, and my family and I had a blast.

I had only a minor technical issue with circaVie, in that I once had an AIM id that I deleted, but was remembered by my system. I became locked in a loop for a while even after I created a new screen name. Eventually it worked itself out, and I was able to do the assignment quickly and with no more glitches.

This tool is fairly simple to use, and I would recommend it as a way to do more than simply share photos. Placing the events on a timeline actually brings your viewers into the photos and allows them to experience the events almost as if they were there. Fang's timeline made me cry, and I truly felt both his pain and hope in the wake of the disaster. It is just this closeness that is created with the notes and order of photos in circaVie.

You can visit my St. Croix timeline here.

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