Saturday, July 12, 2008

Reflection: Create a Webquest

This assignment was a labor of love... and could have taken even more time than the week and a half I devoted to it. I'm a native New Yorker, and I fear I spent more time on the task than on the evaluation, so I believe that I would improve that before distributing the link to teachers for potential use. I do feel that I gave a strong foundation for the study of the sociocultural history of NYC. If nothing else - those are great movies!

This assignment was difficult for me, because I've been out of K-12 education for so long. I tried to remember what sort of work we could handle in high school, as well as how well we worked together on extended projects. I also wanted to make it interesting, not just a few museum trips and a report.

Even though I know we lost the 2005 Olympic bid for 2012, I figure New Yorkers never give up, so prepare now for 2020!! One major issue is that there really isn't a stadium big enough for the Games in NYC. The west side stadium idea didn't fly. I don't think anyone will allow Robert Moses' use and abuse of eminent domain to ever happen again. On the one hand, it is easy to get all over NYC. On the other hand, how much culture and history was destroyed so that we could? What price progress?

Overall, I enjoyed the assignment immensely, and hope that students that end up doing my webquest will enjoy it, as well. As I said, at least they're great movies. :) Check out the NYC History Webquest here.

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